I just finished watching Yan Papa and I must say, I did not enjoy the series that much. Maybe because the story was a bit predictable, or maybe because the characters did not have a lot of chemistry between them. I also did not like the way the main characters (the children) answered back to elders in a very disrespectful way. It was just horrible! Really uncouth! Anyway, I did not enjoy it as much as the previous Japanese tv dramas. It was still entertaining though so no problem. And I still learn a lot of Japanese phrases while watching so no harm done. =D
The cast and characters:
Nagase Tomoya as Mabuchi Yuusaku (the husband and young father) - acting was okay; played the part diligently.
Fujitani Miwako as Kazama Yui (the wife) - a bit over the top; didn't like her acting much.
Goto Maki as Kazama Kaoruko (the eldest daughter) - she was okay; a bit impolite for my taste. If she was my daughter I would have disciplined her ages ago and taught her the proper way of talking to elders.
Ishida Miku as Kazama Sakurako (the second daughter) - good enough acting; again, the attitude in the story irked me. They should not portray kids who are impolite, disrespectful and uncouth. That to me is really inexcusable.
Tomashino Kazuma as Kazama Junnosuke (the youngest son) - good enough for a youngster. Cute boy.