Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I have been thinking of getting Sushi a partner. I think she's lonesome being by herself although in a way, I think she enjoys being spoiled too. Sushi is getting so much bigger and even if I initially bought her for the boys, I feel that she is more my pet because I interact with her more and attend to her needs m
ore. I also love her very much. She is really well-behaved, aside from the usual cord-chewing episodes. She is really affectionate and never bites. She only eats and drinks and sleeps and poo. Then we play with her a bit then she eats and drinks and sleeps and poo again. Ruther's Tita was here the other night and when she saw Sushi she asked me if she had a partner and I said none. She said that bunnies multiply rapidly and that gave me another idea. Why not breed rabbits? Hahaha! Okay I'm thinking waaay too forward but still, that's not a bad money-making scheme right? Only problem is, I would need a place to put all the cages and would have to see to all the bunnies' needs. Hmmm... I hope that won't be too hard. Anyway, first step at a time. Maybe in a month or so, I can get Sushi a partner. Hopefully it will be one she won't hate.