Thursday, September 13, 2007
I was SO glad when I heard Joseph Estrada's verdict yesterday: Guilty for plunder. I was really happy about that, I no longer minded the not guilty verdict for perjury. I mean, what's perjury compared to plunder? I'm not really a political fan but I DO believe in justice. I believe that if you had the guts to do something bad or unlawful or sinful, then you should have the guts to accept the consequences of your actions. It's as simple as that. No need to get into the nitty gritty. No need for lawyer jargons and political words. When you look at it in black and white this is what it is: he commited a crime, therefore, he should be punished. It's good to know that there is still some justice in the Philippines. I hope other politikos will learn from this and realize, they cannot get away with their crimes whether it be here or in the afterlife. Karma will always find a way of settling the balance.