I was reading the magazine the other day when I chanced upon a survey. It basically asks "Which tv hunk would you most want to date?" The choices: Patrick Dempsey, Hugh Laurie, Charlie Sheen, and Peter Gallagher. If I were to answer that, I would without a doubt choose Hugh Laurie. I have always admired his acting and his professionalism. He was always great in British films especially when he was alongside Emma Thompson (a fave actress of mine). When I started watching House MD, I loved him all the more. Now, in case you think I have the hots for older men, you're wrong. I'm just the type of person who likes people for their mind more than their looks. It's just the way I am. I did watch Grey's Anatomy and know about Patrick Dempsey but his McDreamy ways didn't work on me. Charlie Sheen, I'm sorry but I don't find him cute at all and the only time I liked Peter Gallagher for his looks was in the movie While You Were Sleeping (with Sandra Bullock) and that's it. Hugh Laurie I like a lot and not only because he's witty and smart and speaks with a British accent. He's very talented, really great actor and I really really love those blue eyes. I think I could drown in them. No kidding.
Here are more facts about him: http://www.hughlaurie.net/bio.html

Full name: James Hugh Calum Laurie.
Birthdate: June 11, 1959
Birthplace: Oxford, Oxforshire, England
Height: 6' 2 1/2
Eyes: Blue.
Married to: Jo - June 16, 1989
Children: Charlie, Bill, and Rebecca
Father: Dr.William George Ranald Mundell Laurie
Mother: Patricia
Birthdate: June 11, 1959
Birthplace: Oxford, Oxforshire, England
Height: 6' 2 1/2
Eyes: Blue.
Married to: Jo - June 16, 1989
Children: Charlie, Bill, and Rebecca
Father: Dr.William George Ranald Mundell Laurie
Mother: Patricia