Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Lately I noticed that Ron, Ruther's youngest brother has been acting very bratty. I don't see Ron very often because he works in Laguna and comes home during the weekends. Before he started work, we spent a lot of time together because he and I were always at home. After I came back from Japan, we didn't bond too much because we went home to Zamboanga for the summer. It was only recently that I noticed this change in him. He has been acting inconsiderate and could be insensitive at times. This is a surprise because he was not like this before. I suppose I started noticing his change in attitude because it has become quite frequent these past days. I remember that there was a time when he was so problematic with what to do with his laundry because there was no one to wash it. Now that to me, is a bit petty. I mean, there are so many options available. He could wash the clothes himself or if he finds that too difficult, he could look for a laundromat where he could dump them there and have his clothes washed. Finished. Simple right? But no, he doesn't think of things like this. He just complains and complains and complains. If he finds something wrong about the car, he complains. If he runs out of money, he complains. If he does not like the food on the table, he complains. My goodness, he's in his 20s! He's no longer a baby!! If my dad would hear him, my dad would give him an earful! I could already hear my dad say, "If you're hungry, you go cook your own food!" Yup, I have always been taught to be grateful for the food placed on the dining table. And until now I have always felt that way even if I have sardines or dried fish. Anyway, the most recent event here at home was when he was told to drive his Uncle (his mom's brother) to the airport one Sunday. He complained in front of everyone that why wasn't he told of the plan earlier and why was he told only now. His Uncle replied, "We did the planning earlier but you just weren't here". And you know what Ron did? He dissed him! In front of everyone!! Mama was so embarrased, I could see it on her face. And she was really disappointed. She told me later on that she asked Russell (middle brother) to drive Tito Art to the airport instead. Then she told me that as much as she hates to compare Ron and Russ, she really couldn't help it because Ron has become difficult. I felt so sad for her. Inside though, I told myself, I won't let Nikki or Ethan grow up like that. When I was growing up, when my dad told me or my siblings to do something, we HAD to do it, no questions asked. When we were bigger, we could protest, but we always did so in private. What Ron did was waaay below the belt. Not only did he disrespect his Uncle, but he portrayed a bad image of the way his parents brought him up. And that I would never or could ever do to my mom and dad. And now, here's another thing. Tito Art is coming back for two weeks only and Ron refuses to let hiim sleep in his room!! He was like, "absolutely NOT". And Tito Art is not going to sleep on his bed, mind you, but in a separate bed in his room. Still he refuses. There is no other space available for Tito Art because Tita Nicki and Natasha (relatives from Australia) are staying in my room upstairs and Mama and Papa are in their room, Russell is expecting his wife to arrive from the US so she will naturally, be sleeping with him and I sleep with the boys in their room downstairs. So there's no other place except in Ron's room but does he see reason? No. He's just plain selfish is the way I see it. He doesn't care at all how his attitude will reflect on his family and how he will embarrass his mother and father. All he cares is what HE wants and what HE thinks. Now if that's not a spoiled brat I don't know what is.