Sunday, December 30, 2007
Operation Love
Ruther and I are watching a new Japanese tv drama now. It's Operation Love and it's quite funny and undoubtedly unique. The story revolves around this guy who went back in time to try to win the heart of his love who, in present time, was wed to another man. So yeah, it's a really unique story and it's fun to watch. There's none of the heavy drama and it's interesting to see how the guy tries his best to win his lady love. We're on the 7th episode now and hopefully, we're gonna see the end today. Can't wait! =D
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Time Together
I am just so thankful of the time Ruther and I are spending together. I know that soon, we will separate ways again when he goes back to Japan in 2 months' time and frankly, I really don't know how I'm going to take that. But knowing me and past experiences with such separations, I just feel that I'll be a wreck when he's gone. I know that I'll try to be strong, I know that I'll try to make myself busy again just so I won't miss him too much but I just know that I'll miss him just the same and just as strongly. Sigh... How time flies when you are so happy. Don't you just wish that you can control time as you please? Don't you feel that everything will just be oh-so wonderful when you can spend all the time in the world with the one you love? I pray that time would slow down for me. Slow down for the time being so Ruther and I can savor every moment, every second we have together. Slow down for love.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas Day
As predicted, Christmas was fun fun fun! I'm just so terribly sad that it's over. I think that it's so not fair for one to be so excited about something and the excitement builds up as the day gets nearer and then when it's finally there and over, you feel like your balloon has burst so suddenly. It's like I was in my highest high and then suddenly, it's back to mundane lives and ordinary events. I love Christmas. I guess, this means, I'll be waiting for it again and anticipate the -ber months once more. Sigh. Oh well. I can always start making my Christmas list for next year anyway...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Happy Me
Christmas will be over in approximately an hour. And yet, I still feel so pleased about how the whole day went about. I loved that we spent it together as a family; I loved that we got to visit relatives; I loved that my boys got to meet their extended family and got to get fun presents; I loved that it was a day well-spent and was fun-filled. I don't know if I'm putting too much pressure on Christmas celebrations but I'm just someone who wants to make Christmas all about family. Last year when we were in Japan, Christmas was not that visible. I mean, comparing it with how Filipinos prepare for this holiday, it was very muted for my taste. But that still did not dampen my spirits because first and foremost my family was together. And for me, that's what really and truly matters on my favorite day of the year. This year is so different. Having Ruther with me AND spending the holidays in the Philippines is just so wonderful. I know I'm just a simple girl with simple wants and this Christmas, God has certainly made this simple girl very happy.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
What Christmas Tree Are You?
You Are a Cranberry and Popcorn Strung Tree |
Christmas is all about showcasing your creative talents. From cookies to nicely wrapped presents, your unique creations impress everyone. |
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
1 Litre of Tears
I am currently watching this Japanese tv drama. It's such a sad story. It is actually based on a life story of a girl who had an incurable disease and had some difficulty acepting it. I won't say what the illness is specifically just to keep interested viewers curious. Who knows, one of you might be interested to watch it. Anyway, the cast was pretty much okay. The story is dramatic, considering the events of the disease, treatment, acceptance, etc. But what truly touched me in the story were the courage of the girl, the way the family stood by her and supported her, and the strength of the mom. Really, of the same thing happened to me, I would not know how to cope. Or if anyone in my family had this disease (knock on wood!), I really don't think I would be as strong as the mother in the story. So truly, she was quite admirable.
I am more than halfway done with the movie so I am looking forward to how it ends. Hopefully, it won't be too sad or I'll be crying buckets of tears before the day is over...
I am more than halfway done with the movie so I am looking forward to how it ends. Hopefully, it won't be too sad or I'll be crying buckets of tears before the day is over...
Monday, December 17, 2007
In case I did not mention it before, I put my studies on hold while Ruther is home with us. I figured, I would have all the time to do that once he's away and I would need that distraction so I have something else to focus on and be less depressed. Also, my course completion is in November 2008 so I think I have a LOT of time to finish it. Currently, I have 2 more modules to finish and I'm sure that I'll be done with those in a month of two if I study everyday. So yeah, I'm quite comfortable with the break I'm having from my studies right now. I just hope that I won't be TOO depressed when Ruther leaves or I would find it hard to get back on track...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Poem
Christmas Is a Time for Love and Fun
( is a time for love and fun,
A time to reshape souls and roots and skies,
A time to give your heart to everyone
Freely, like a rich and lavish sun,
Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs
Show need of such a time for love and fun.
For children first, whose pain is never done,
Whose bright white fire of anguish never dies,
It's time to give your heart to every one,
That not one angel fall, to hatred won
For lack of ears to listen to her cries,
Or arms to carry him towards love and fun,
Or friends to care what happens on the run
To adult life, where joy or sadness lies.
It's time to give your heart to everyone,
For God loves all, and turns His back on none,
Good or twisted, ignorant or wise.
Christmas is a time for love and fun,
A time to give your heart to everyone.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Together Time
This photo was taken at Friday's on a weekend. I love spending time with Ruther. I really can't get enough of him. Twenty-four hours everyday, nay, a lifetime is not enough to spend time together; to make memories, to share stories, to stare into each others' eyes, to profess our love over and over. Sometimes I am amazed at how much we get along now. We are definitely like wine; we get better at our relationship every year. I appreciate every moment we have together. They are like jewels in a beautiful necklace that gets more precious and more priceless. For now, I am happy. Very happy.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Holiday
I managed to catch this movie on HBO the other day and I found it cute. This movi
e stars Cameron Diaz as Amanda, Kate Winslet as Iris, Jude Law (one of my fave actors by the way) as Graham, and Jack Black as Miles. So basically the story is about Amanda and Iris who, after having problems with their respective relationships decided to swap houses (one lives in the US and the other in Surrey) for 2 weeks to escape their troubles. And that is where the fun and adventure starts. The story is light and sweet and just very honest. And I like my movies like that. The scenes/cinematography are very creative and you would just want to step into the tv to experience that. Also, this one had no corny (and I mean c-o-r-n-y scenes in it). And the happy ending made the difference of course. Anyway, I think I want to have a copy of this. I might have to ask Ruther to look for one for me though. =D

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christine de Pisan
I encountered this poem the other day while I was reading a very wonderful book and I was really touched by it. It was wonderfully written by a woman named Christine de Pisan who lived in the 1360s. What makes her so fascinating is the idea that this woman, married at 15 and widowed at 24, did whatever she had to support her 3 kids and aging mother. During the 14th century, women poets and writers were practically unheard of but this woman was brave enough to make her living through her pen. I admire her for her courage and her dedication to motherhood. I am sure mothers like me will appreciate and admire this poem she has written for her son:
I have no great fortune, my son,
To make you rich. In place of one
Here are some lessons I have learned-
the finest things I've ever earned.
Before the world has borne you far,
Try to know people as they are.
Knowing that will help you take
The path that keeps you from mistake.
Pity anyone who is poor
And stands in rags outside your door
Help them when you hear them cry!
Remember that you, too, will die.
Love those who have love for you
And keep your enemy in view:
Of allies none can have too many,
Small enemies there are not any.
Never lose what the good Lord gave
To this, our world too much enslaved:
The foolish rush to end their lives.
Only the steadfast soul survives.
I have no great fortune, my son,
To make you rich. In place of one
Here are some lessons I have learned-
the finest things I've ever earned.
Before the world has borne you far,
Try to know people as they are.
Knowing that will help you take
The path that keeps you from mistake.
Pity anyone who is poor
And stands in rags outside your door
Help them when you hear them cry!
Remember that you, too, will die.
Love those who have love for you
And keep your enemy in view:
Of allies none can have too many,
Small enemies there are not any.
Never lose what the good Lord gave
To this, our world too much enslaved:
The foolish rush to end their lives.
Only the steadfast soul survives.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
I Choose To Be Happy
I used to be a dweller. You know, dwelling on things that I have no or little control over. But not anymore. I don't want to surround my family with loneliness, sadness, depression or anxiety. I want them to experience as much joy, as much laughter as they can. God knows we need it all with the way things are in the world these days.
Prior to getting married and having kids, I would always be so emotional about the littlest thing. Everything would faze me and I would have so much difficulty letting go of something that would affect me so much. I thought I would and could never change. But Ruther and the boys helped me a lot. Because of them, I am now a better person. I no longer hold resentment, anxiety and pain inside of me. Because of them, I have learned to let these go, to release them into the wind, to turn them into nothingness. Of course, they are important learning tools in life but I no longer need to dwell on these things to learn from them. And I know that focusing more on my family, on our well-being, on laughter and fun, on sharing and bonding is what I choose to do right now. I know that if I only have a week, nay, a day to live, I live with no regrets. I know that if I die tomorrow, my family was happy, that they know they are loved and that they were always my first priority. That is how I would want it to be.
Life is always full of surprises. But now, life is so much happier. Maybe it's because I choose to look at it that way but one thing's for sure, I feel so much better about myself, I feel I am on the right track, and I know I always give happy feelings to the people around me and the people I love.
Ruther and I have always had some conflicts in our personalities. But now, we're communicating so well we haven't had a misunderstanding in ages. The mere touch of a hand is enough to convey what words cannot. A sweet kiss is enough to silence fears and doubts and anxieties to cleanse the heart. The living breath of my soulmate is enough to rejuvenate me in my lowest low. Everything matters little compared to my family. They are everything to me and I will do everything in my power to make sure that they would always be happy, always be accepted and always be loved.
Prior to getting married and having kids, I would always be so emotional about the littlest thing. Everything would faze me and I would have so much difficulty letting go of something that would affect me so much. I thought I would and could never change. But Ruther and the boys helped me a lot. Because of them, I am now a better person. I no longer hold resentment, anxiety and pain inside of me. Because of them, I have learned to let these go, to release them into the wind, to turn them into nothingness. Of course, they are important learning tools in life but I no longer need to dwell on these things to learn from them. And I know that focusing more on my family, on our well-being, on laughter and fun, on sharing and bonding is what I choose to do right now. I know that if I only have a week, nay, a day to live, I live with no regrets. I know that if I die tomorrow, my family was happy, that they know they are loved and that they were always my first priority. That is how I would want it to be.
Life is always full of surprises. But now, life is so much happier. Maybe it's because I choose to look at it that way but one thing's for sure, I feel so much better about myself, I feel I am on the right track, and I know I always give happy feelings to the people around me and the people I love.
Ruther and I have always had some conflicts in our personalities. But now, we're communicating so well we haven't had a misunderstanding in ages. The mere touch of a hand is enough to convey what words cannot. A sweet kiss is enough to silence fears and doubts and anxieties to cleanse the heart. The living breath of my soulmate is enough to rejuvenate me in my lowest low. Everything matters little compared to my family. They are everything to me and I will do everything in my power to make sure that they would always be happy, always be accepted and always be loved.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Before The Day Ends...
I think this quote is good enough for today...
Maybe we should learn something from nature. In the wild, theweakest moose is hunted down and killed by dingo dogs, thus ensuringsurvival of the fittest. This is a harsh system - especially for the dingodogs who have to fly all the way from Australia. But nature's process isa good one; everybody agrees, except perhaps for the dingo dogs and themoose in question ... and the flight attendants. But the point is thatwe'd all be better off if the least competent managers were being eaten bydingo dogs instead of writing Mission Statements. (The Dilbert Principle)
Maybe we should learn something from nature. In the wild, theweakest moose is hunted down and killed by dingo dogs, thus ensuringsurvival of the fittest. This is a harsh system - especially for the dingodogs who have to fly all the way from Australia. But nature's process isa good one; everybody agrees, except perhaps for the dingo dogs and themoose in question ... and the flight attendants. But the point is thatwe'd all be better off if the least competent managers were being eaten bydingo dogs instead of writing Mission Statements. (The Dilbert Principle)
Friday, December 7, 2007
Braised Pork Spareribs
This recipe is from I am posting the recipe here because it's easier for me to access this rather than search the archives at the site. Just to be clear, this recipe is NOT mine but borrowed.
1-3/4 kilo of meaty spare ribs (you want the cut for barbequeing, not for cooking sinigang)
1 whole garlic
2 thumb-sized pieces of ginger
2 large onions
4 tbsps. of dark brown sugar
1/2 c. of light soy sauce
2-3 tbsps. of hot chili sauce
salt to taste
4-5 tbsps. of cooking oil
Cut the pork spare ribs between the bones.
Peel and finely chop the garlic and onions.
Peel and finely grate the ginger.
Heat the cooking oil in a wok or frying pan. Add the pork spare ribs and cook — in batches, if necessary — until lightly browned. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well to blend. Pour in about 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover and simmer for about an hour and a half or until the pork is tender.
During the cooking time, as the liquid evaporates, you may need to add a little water occasionally to prevent scorching. Half a cup or so each time should be enough. By the time the pork is done, there should only be a little sauce. As the chopped onions become mushy, they will thicken the sauce so there really is no need to add flour or starch.
Serve your braised pork spare ribs with hot rice or mashed potatoes and enjoy.
1-3/4 kilo of meaty spare ribs (you want the cut for barbequeing, not for cooking sinigang)
1 whole garlic
2 thumb-sized pieces of ginger
2 large onions
4 tbsps. of dark brown sugar
1/2 c. of light soy sauce
2-3 tbsps. of hot chili sauce
salt to taste
4-5 tbsps. of cooking oil
Cut the pork spare ribs between the bones.
Peel and finely chop the garlic and onions.
Peel and finely grate the ginger.
Heat the cooking oil in a wok or frying pan. Add the pork spare ribs and cook — in batches, if necessary — until lightly browned. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well to blend. Pour in about 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat, cover and simmer for about an hour and a half or until the pork is tender.
During the cooking time, as the liquid evaporates, you may need to add a little water occasionally to prevent scorching. Half a cup or so each time should be enough. By the time the pork is done, there should only be a little sauce. As the chopped onions become mushy, they will thicken the sauce so there really is no need to add flour or starch.
Serve your braised pork spare ribs with hot rice or mashed potatoes and enjoy.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Born For You
by David Pomeranz
Too many billion people
Running around the planet
What is the chance in heaven
That you'd find your way to me?
Tell me what is this sweet sensation?
It's a miracle that's happened
Though I search for an explanation
Only one thing it could be -
That I was born for you
It was written in the stars
Yes, I was born for you
And the choice was never ours
It's as if the powers of the universe
Conspired to make you mine
And til the day I die,
I bless the day that I was born for you
Too many foolish people
Trying to come between us
None of them seem to matter
When I look into your eyes
Now I know why I belong here
In your arms I found the answer
Somehow nothing would seem so wrong here
If they'd only realise
That I was born for you
And that you were born for me
And in this random world,
This was clearly meant to be
What we have the world could never understand
Or ever take away
And till the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you
What we have the world could never understand
Or ever take away
And as the years go by
Until the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you
Too many billion people
Running around the planet
What is the chance in heaven
That you'd find your way to me?
Tell me what is this sweet sensation?
It's a miracle that's happened
Though I search for an explanation
Only one thing it could be -
That I was born for you
It was written in the stars
Yes, I was born for you
And the choice was never ours
It's as if the powers of the universe
Conspired to make you mine
And til the day I die,
I bless the day that I was born for you
Too many foolish people
Trying to come between us
None of them seem to matter
When I look into your eyes
Now I know why I belong here
In your arms I found the answer
Somehow nothing would seem so wrong here
If they'd only realise
That I was born for you
And that you were born for me
And in this random world,
This was clearly meant to be
What we have the world could never understand
Or ever take away
And till the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you
What we have the world could never understand
Or ever take away
And as the years go by
Until the day I die
I bless the day that I was born for you
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Can't Get Enough
Monday, December 3, 2007
I can't believe it's December already. Pretty soon, 2007 will come to an end and 2008 will be another year for me and my family. Another year of separation, togetherness and then who knows? I wish the future were not so unpredictable. But then again, sometimes, these surprises just make life more interesting and makes me appreciate my family even more. I just wish that we would not have to be apart anymore. Sometimes, I know that it's out of my hands but I still resent the fact that I can't fully enjoy my family when we have to be apart for months at a time. It's just too painful.
I appreciate that God has been good to me and my family. I am thankful and grateful for every little blessing He has given us. And as much as I could, I try not to unbalance the karma of my life. I want to continue on the path of goodness so that goodness will be restored to me. That is what I believe and I really am thankful that my family has remained happy and healthy and safe all these years. But of course, my very simple wish is for us to be together finally. I don't think that is a selfish request. I think that is what every family wishes for. And that is what I want most for my family. I wish that 2008 will be a better year for us. I hope that it will hold untold promises, wonderful experiences and the family togetherness that I so crave and want.
I appreciate that God has been good to me and my family. I am thankful and grateful for every little blessing He has given us. And as much as I could, I try not to unbalance the karma of my life. I want to continue on the path of goodness so that goodness will be restored to me. That is what I believe and I really am thankful that my family has remained happy and healthy and safe all these years. But of course, my very simple wish is for us to be together finally. I don't think that is a selfish request. I think that is what every family wishes for. And that is what I want most for my family. I wish that 2008 will be a better year for us. I hope that it will hold untold promises, wonderful experiences and the family togetherness that I so crave and want.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Cream Puffs
I was craving for these! When I heard that there was a Beard Papa's Cream Puffs branch at SM Mall of Asia, I just could not pass the opportunity. I asked Ruther to get a box for us and it was heavenly!! A box of six cost around P270. I think that's a fine price to pay for something that originally was in Japan, don't you think so?
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